Islamabad: Minister for Power Division Sardar Awais Ahmed Khan Leghari has issued directions to assess the performance of DISCOs and its CEO on the basis of their success to bridge the gap in their sold and billed units and adopting strategy to eliminate the mismatch in tariff.

The directions were issued on Tuesday in wake of the performance review meeting. The Federal Minister further directed the CEOs of all DISCOs to file quarterly tariff adjustment petitions within 01-month (during March) with NEPRA and pursue the same for better financial management of the Distribution Companies as corporate entities. This will also help in reducing the gap in billed and recovered amount by the DISCOs.

The CEOs are further directed to ensure replacement of defective meter within 07 days after it is has been declared defective besides clearing the backlog of defective meters in their respective DISCOs by March 31st 2018.

The Federal Minister for Power Division while taking strong exception to the continuous delays and frequent stock depletion of essential material, has directed all the Chairmen of the BODs to make proper procurement plan for the next financial year and get it approved by 15th April 2018.

It was further directed that a list of problematic items of procurement be prepared and PEPCO to notify a working group to design central procurement system to avoid quality and delay issues.

The Federal Minister for Power Division further directed that 1,53,914 No. ripe connections cases will be cleared upto 31.03.2018 and new online application system will be implemented with in force 15.03.2018. After 15th March, no application be entertained on the previous manual system.

The Federal Minister directed CEO SEPCO to install AMR meters on all government connections upto 31.03.2018. The estimate for installing AMR on all connections of Govt. of Sindh by all DISCOs be submitted for taking further action.