Islamabad:On the eve of last day of 61st annual meeting on Commission on Narcotics Drugs (CND), a resolution to stop usage and supply of drugs in academic institutions has been passed with endorsement from all member countries unanimously, which was presented by the Pakistani delegation led by Federal Secretary for Narcotics Control Mehmood Iqbal.

He was also accompanied by Maj. Gen Mussarrat Nawaz Malik DG ANF, on this occasion, says a press release received here Saturday from Vienna.

While appreciating the support from all countries, Secretary Narcotics Control has stated this historic resolution would prove as landmark in the efforts across all the member countries to eliminate drugs from their academic institutions.

The preparation and subsequent approval of this resolution resulted due to untiring efforts from Ministry of Narcotics Control, Anti Narcotics Force and Vienna, Ministry of Foreign affairs, which has earned pride for the nation.

It is pertinent to mention here that, other member countries including Belarus, Libya, Nigeria, Paraguay, Philippines, China, Russia, Indonesia and Vietnam have also ensured their cooperative participation keeping in view, the potential positive impact and importance of the Pakistani resolution.

The resolution brought attention of the International Community and particularly UN towards the issue of drug abuse in educational institutions.

It was agreed that this problem needs special and immediate interventions at all level particularly policy initiatives by each country.

It demanded concerted efforts and increased coordination amongst law enforcement agencies (LEAs), health and social sector. It will also result in to flow of more support and resources for capacity building of relevant institutions.

It also indicated the seriousness and strong political will of Pakistan against the issue. The approval of this resolution will inject a new life, in already running anti narcotics campaign by ANF in the academic institutions of Pakistan.

Most of the member countries CND have hailed the efforts put in by the Pakistani delegation to initiate such resolution against the supply and usage of drugs in the academic institutions, and termed it as “major diplomatic success”.

Pakistani society has no place for drugs, and government has left no stone unturned to stop supply of narcotics across the country, said the Secretary Narcotics Control Iqbal Mehmood earlier in the session.

While mentioning the efforts so far made, the secretary explained that last year, Pakistan has seized 400 Tons of Drugs in various search and found operations across country. Out of those, most of them were had involvement of foreign countries.

Pakistan is extremely responsible country, and despite of limited capacity and lack of skilled human resources, the country has made remarkable strides against drugs in Pakistan, he added.