KARACHI: Aligarh Muslim University Old Boys’ Association (AMUOBA) held its Annual General Body Meeting at Sir Syed Tower in which the minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously.

Addressing the AGM, President AMUOBA, and Chancellor of Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology, Jawaid Anwar said that although the whole social and cultural structure has changed into a new mode of routine life due to Covid, yet we successfully endeavored not to let the situation affect the academic activities, maintaining our quality performance.

He pointed out that Sir Syed University would establish Mohsin e Pakistan Dr Abdul Qadeer Khan Chair, Engr. Z.A. Nizami Chair and Engr. Muhammad Zakir Ali Khan Chair at the campus. In recognition of Dr. Qadeer Khan’s valuable services and great work for the nation and country, the Posthumus award in the form of a gold medal, will be presented to his wife.

He told that Sir Syed University would reprint the book of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan “Tabeen ul Kalam” in Nastaleeq font, then it would be easy to read the book, which is actually an important document of 800 pages, based on the comparative study between Judaism and Christianity.

Presenting the annual report of the Association, Honorary Secretary General, AMUOBA, Engr. Muhammad Arshad Khan said that Sir Syed University was established in 1994 with 200 students and now it is ranked among the top most universities of Pakistan in the field of engineering and technologies and moving ahead for international rankings.

Emphasizing on the use of modern technology and ideas, he said that as an important partner, Sir Syed University in collaboration with the Ministry of Information Technology and ASPIRE, organized Innovative Conference and grand finale of National Idea Bank competition at Sir Syed Memorial Hall, Islamabad. President of Pakistan, HE Arif Alvi was the Chief Guest of the event. Sir Syed University as National Host of NIB played a pivotal role and delivered outstanding performance.

General Secretary Arshad Khan immensely appreciated the outstanding performance of Dean Faculty of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Dr. Muhammad Aamir, Project Director NAVTTC, Dr. Tahir Fattani, Project Coordinator Asstt. Prof. Noman Ali Khan and IT Expert Saqib Jawaid.

He said that Sir Syed University has been selected consecutively for the 3rd time for the vocational training of students under Kamyab Jawan programme in 11 trades. The largest number of seats among Sindh’s universities was allocated to the Sir Syed University.

Mr. Khan emphasized the need for the establishment of Sir Syed Trust to get funding for the projects. General Secretary Arshad Khan underscored that a research centre would be set up at the new campus of Sir Syed University on 200 acres of land in Education City with the support of Guidance Centre in which Siraj Khilji is playing a significant role. We are also going to start a campaign for the plantation of 3000 trees in collaboration with the Forest Department. We have achieved another milestone by laying foundation stone to Jama e Masjid Sir Syed at the new campus.

Engr. Muhammad Arshad Khan said that the first Graduation Ceremony was held at AIT in which more than 640 pass-outs were given Diploma of Associate Engineer. AIT will soon start 2-year Associate Degree programme. Construction of sports complex at AIT is under consideration. Diploma in Architecture technology has been started. In the end, the students of Music Society presented Tarana e Aligarh.