HARNAI: Mir Murad Baloch, head of Baloch tribe in Harnai, has called on authorities to conduct transparent inquiry into the murder case of Manzoor Ahmed Baloch, who was killed a couple of days before in Muhalla Gharibabad area of Harnai, and inflict exemplary punishment on the perpetrators of the crime.
In a statement issued here on Sunday, Mir Murad Baloch said that youth Manzoor Ahmed Baloch was killed in a broad day light in Muhalla Gharibabad area of Harnai, but the district administration and police authorities were not taking action to apprehend perpetrators of the crime due to unknown reasons.
He called on Muhammad Tahir Rai, Inspector General of Police, Balochistan, Deputy Inspector General of Police, Sibbi Range and other authorities to conduct transparent inquiry into the murder of Manzoor Ahmed Baloch and inflict exemplary punishment on the perpetrators of the crime.