Lahore, February 23, 2022 (PPI-OT): Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has congratulated the government and people of Saudi Arabia on the founding day. In a statement, the CM said the national day of Saudi Arabia is a shining chapter of Islamic history, heritage and the ideal state of modern times. The strong ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia are based on centuries-old historical, religious and cultural ties, he noted.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia have a deep and long-standing relationship that will last forever, he further said. Cooperation and harmony exist between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in all areas of mutual interest and Saudi Arabia has always helped Pakistan in every possible way in every test.

The friendship between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan is a glowing example for the world while Pakistanis consider Saudi Arabia as their second home. The people have a spiritual attachment with Saudi Arabia and the people of both the countries are interlinked in strong bonds of brotherhood, the CM concluded.

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Directorate General Public Relations,
Government of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
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