Provincial Information Minister Azma Bokhari has said that “Tehreek-e-Fasad” is in disarray after being proven a certified thief of £190 million. The decision has shattered the claims of the founder of PTI as Sadiq and Ameen. The £190 million case is Pakistan’s largest theft, and Farah Gogi and Shehzad Akbar brought the deal to completion.

According to Punjab Information Ministry’s statement issued today, Imran Khan, along with Bushra Bibi, committed a robbery worth billions of rupees, and after the decision, they continued to laugh shamelessly. It is highly shameful for PTI to give a religious colour to their theft. She expressed these views while addressing a press conference at DGPR.

She mentioned that the British agency NCA contacted the Pakistani government regarding the return of the money, but instead of transferring the money to the government account, it was transferred to the Supreme Court’s account. They distributed the money among themselves. The accused were given 15 opportunities to record their statements, but they used all delaying tactics in the case. Aleema Khan had stated that they wanted the case’s verdict to be announced, and 35 hearings were held to complete the cross-examination. Shehzad Akbar was the central figure in the case.

Azma added that Shehzad Akbar was allowed to leave the country honourably, and now, after the decision, questions arise about allowing him to leave. Umar Ayub says that if corruption is to be questioned, it should be done with Hassan Nawaz, while the NCA cleared Hassan and Hussain Nawaz after investigating their accounts.

Information Minister further stated that Sheikh Waqas Akram has repeatedly talked about sealed envelopes, but these should have been opened when they were brought to the cabinet. Those who brought the founder of PTI into politics should be ashamed, and it is also shameful that a person like Imran Khan was described as Sadiq and Ameen.

The Information Minister stated that the consequences they are facing now are the result of their actions. They claim to be spokespersons for higher courts, but how can they say that they will get relief from them? I am concerned about who is advising them on this. Higher courts should take notice of this matter. She also mentioned that the Asset Recovery Unit has wasted millions of rupees in Pakistan, and despite that, it gave them a clean chit. As Prime Minister, how could they have been trustees? The founder of PTI could have established universities across the country, but instead, they only tried to benefit from establishing Al-Qadir University. Even international media is labeling the founder of PTI as corrupt.