KARACHI:Pakistan in spite of being an agricultural country is compelled to import food stuffs, which shows misplaced priorities and wrong policies of our administration. To ensure boosting our agro-based economy it is a must that a proper diversification should be introduced in our agriculture and farming sector without wasting any further time.

This was stated by Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) chairman Altaf Shakoor here Sunday. He said we are still importing wheat, pulses, cooking oil, tea, sugar and other edibles to meet our domestic needs, which is just sad. He said huge foreign exchange is spend on these imports and it also creates a serious balance of payments issue. He said our current account deficit is on the rise and huge imports of edibles is one of the factors behind it.

He said our country has vast lands and long rivers but we have failed to utilize them to make Pakistan a huge grain basket. He said poor planning at decision making level has resulted in non-introduction of modern farming techniques in Pakistan.

He said agricultural diversification occurs when more species, plant varieties or animal breeds are added to a given farm or farming community, and this may include landscape diversification – different crops and cropping systems interspersed in space and time.

He said while diversification can be an important element of climate change adaptation, there is surprisingly limited information available that can be used to guide farmers and farming communities as to how best to manage diversification possibilities.

Shakoor said a timely diversification in our agriculture sector would drastically reduce our import bill. He said in past grand plans were made to start coconut and palm tree farming in our long coastal areas to ensure a good production of cooking oil but then these plans were silently and secretly shelved. He said similar is the fate of Pakistan Tea Board which was never allowed to work optimally. He said trillions of rupees could be saved if Pakistan is made self-sufficient in production of just these two items: cooking oil and tea.

He said thanks to our diverse climate we can grow a variety of new crops, fruits, vegetables and flowers. He said all the requisites for a good farming, a fertile land, adequate river water and plenty of sunshine, are abundantly available in Pakistan, besides huge young workforce. He said all it needs is honesty and patriotism at our policy-making forums. He said Prime Minister Imran Khan has recently announced a good industrial package and it is the need of the hour that the government should also announce a huge agriculture package, focusing on diversification of farming.

Shakoor said that without making new dams and water reservoirs we cannot maximize our agricultural output and tap our full potential. He said modern farming techniques like drip irrigation and laser levelling are still not being widely used in Pakistan. He said we can run our tube-wells on solar energy. Shakoor regretted that the government slapped more sales tax on solar sector. He said the solar sector needs generous incentives and not more taxes. He said government should give subsidy on solar tube-wells in those areas where electricity supply lines are not present.

He said for diversification in agriculture sector our agriculture universities and colleges can play a huge role. Shakoor said in fact every district of Pakistan should have at least one agriculture college or agriculture engineering training institute. He said without educating and training our youth we cannot utilize their huge potential in agriculture sector.

He said barren state lands should be allotted free of cost to the graduates and certificate holders of our agriculture universities and colleges. He demanded from the prime minister and all chief ministers to put agriculture diversification at the top of their agendas to make Pakistan not only a self-sufficient country in food but also a grain basket for the world. He said if we succeeded in diversification of agriculture sector we will also ensure realization of our dream of food security.