ISLAMABAD: Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch has expressed concerns over state sponsored terrorism, emanating from India to destabilize Pakistan. Responding to a question at her weekly news briefing here in Islamabad on Thursday, she urged the international community to take notice of this reality.

Replying to another question regarding allegations by some foreign countries about presence of terrorist outfits in Pakistan, the Spokesperson said we completely reject such accusations. She said Pakistan is the country that has suffered enormously from terrorism for the last several years. She said the instability in Afghanistan and in our region has created a situation, where many people of Pakistan, including personnel of security agencies, have lost their lives.

She said Pakistan is a victim of terrorism. She said there have been undeniable proofs of India’s direct involvement in the state sponsored terrorism inside Pakistan and the global community should take notice of India’s approach of pointing fingers at others.

Answering yet another question, Mumtaz Zahra Baloch condemned the atrocities being perpetrated in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). She said India is continuing with repression of Kashmiris without any consideration of international human rights laws and norms. She called upon the international community and human rights organizations to pay attention to the deteriorating human rights situation in IIOJK.

Regarding import of gas and oil from Russia, the Spokesperson said we are in touch with Moscow to import crude oil from Russia. She said Prime Minister’s Special Assistant Musadik Malik recently paid a special visit to Russia to discuss matters related to the import of gas and oil from Russia.