KARACHI:Leader of the Opposition in Sindh Assembly, Haleem Adil Sheikh, demanded of Sindh government to pay outstanding salaries of 9 months to vaccinators as vaccination process in Karachi was being affected due to their protest.
Haleem Adil Sheikh, accompanied with MPA Arslan Taj Ghumman, PTI leaders wing commander (r) Q. Hakim, Taha Khan and others reached at Karachi Expo Center where the largest vaccination center of Pakistan was set up to ensure vast scale immunization for curtailing spread of Covid-19. The vaccinators and I.T experts serving there were on protest due to nonpayment of salaries from previous 9 months and vaccination process was on halt for last many days.
Haleem Adil Sheikh, while speaking to media persons at the occasion expressed annoyance and regrets that young vaccinators and other allied staff who were front line fighters in war against the pandemic were not only deprived of their salaries but they were also being paid salaries lower than the minimum threshold set by Sindh government.
He said that Sindh government in budget 2021-22 set minimum wages at Rs 25000 per month but salary of staffers of vaccination centers was Rs. 18000 per month and even that meager amount was not being paid to them.
Federal government allowed use of Expo center as mass vaccination center and also provided jab doses worth over Rs. 45 billion to provincial government that itself did not procure a single dose so far, he said adding that the inefficient Sindh government could not pay salaries to hired staff while thousands of jabs doses were left to expire and thousands other were sold illegally to private vendors. Besides, incident of inoculation of expired vaccine to police personnel in Khairpur Mirs was also reported in media, he added.
Haleem Adil Sheikh that Sindh government in provincial budget 2021-22 allocated Rs. 248 billion for health department but condition of healthcare facilities in Sindh was pathetic while vaccination staff was deprived of their salaries. CM Sindh Murad Ali Shah, health minister Azra Fazal Pechuho and secretary health Sindh were responsible of the deteriorated situation, he maintained.
The opposition leader pointed out that Rs. 5000 million were earmarked as Corona emergency funds while deduction was also made from salaries of elected representatives and government employees in the name of Covid emergency fund. “Nobody know where those billions of rupees were spent,” he exclaimed.
Haleem Adil said that another mass scale corruption surfaced in Covid-19 diagnoses and reporting as Rs 35 million were issued to Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences (LUMHS) Jamshoro on a counterfeit letter. An inquiry was also notified in the regard but not a single meeting of the inquiry committee was held so far and the PPP government wanted to suppress the issue.
Diagnoses tests being conducted in laboratories of Karachi were also being included in performance of LUMHS, he said and asked, “How can LUMHS laboratory alone conduct 7 to 9 thousand tests in a day and total number of tests conducted by all the 25 labs of Karachi was lower then LUMHS lab?”
Indus Hospital had capacity of 4000 tests, Karachi University had capacity of 3000 while Dow University, Civil and Jinnah hospitals had also capacity of conducting thousand of tests but each of them were conducting a few hundred tests each on daily basis, he observed.
The data contained by Corona Situation Report of Sindh Province did not match to data being submitted to NCOC, he pointed out. Haleem Adil Sheikh said that outstanding amount of unpaid salaries of vaccination center staffers was just Rs 34 million that Sindh government was with holding on pretext of non availability of funds but recently about Rs. 3500 million were issued to NICVD a healthcare facility headed by Dr. Nadeem Qamar- brother of PPP leader Naveed Qamar.
The same NICVD was under allegation of corruption of billions, he said and added that Sindh government had funds available for corruption but they had lame excuses for payment of salary to vaccination center staff. Haleem Adil demanded that all the arrears of vaccination staff be paid at the earliest and their salaries must be increased to Rs.25000 in accordance with minimum wages fixed by the provincial government.
“If vaccination center staff is not paid their total outstanding amount Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will stage a sit in outside the expo center,” he announced. PTI MPA Arslan Ghumman speaking at the occasion regretted the situation and said that front line workers who put their lives at stake for service of humanity were being denied of their right and due salaries.
Those were the people who voluntarily step forward in difficult times when everyone was gripped in the fear of pandemic and they deserved appreciation and tribute for their selfless services but Sindh government was neglecting them across the province and doctors, nurses and other para medical staff were on protest against unjust attitude of the provincial government, he said.