Kanpur, March 02, 2022 (PPI-OT):The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) researchers have predicted that India may soon be facing the fourth wave of Covid-19. The researchers from IIT Kanpur said, the fourth wave may begin in India around June 22 and continue till October 24. However, they also added that the severity of a fourth wave will depend on the emergence of new variants and the vaccination status of people including the administration of a booster dose.

The researchers have said that if a fourth wave of Covid-19 emerges then it may last at least four months. The wave may reach the peak from August 15 to 31 and will decline after that. This is the third time that researchers from IIT Kanpur have predicted a Covid-19 wave in India and their predictions about the third wave was nearly on point expect for the deviation of only a few days. Sabara Parshad Rajeshbhai, Subhra Sankar Dhar and Shalabh of the department of mathematics and statistics, IIT Kanpur, conducted this research.

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