A two-day International Conference on ‘Girls Education in Muslim Communities: Challenges and Opportunities,’ will start here in Islamabad tomorrow (Saturday).

The conference is being hosted by the Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training. It aims to address the challenges and opportunities in advancing girls’ education across Muslim communities worldwide; foster dialogue; and find actionable solutions to address the challenges.

The conference will provide an ideal platform for high-level discussions and collaborations. It will be inaugurated by the Prime Minister, Shehbaz Sharif, who will deliver the keynote address at the opening session and reaffirm the nation’s commitment to promoting girls’ education and gender equity.

The event will bring together over 150 international dignitaries, including ministers, ambassadors, scholars and academia from 44 Muslim and friendly countries, representatives from international organizations including UNESCO, UNICEF, and the World Bank.

Speakers and panelists will share transformative success stories, showcasing innovative approaches to advancing education equity.

The conference will conclude by a formal signing ceremony of the Islamabad Declaration, outlining the shared commitment of Muslim community to empower girls through education, paving way for inclusive and sustainable educational reforms, and a brighter future for generations to come.