New Delhi, March 02, 2022 (PPI-OT):Narendra Modi-led fascist Indian government has announced to revive and strengthen the Indian Army-backed dreaded militia Village Defence Committees (VDCs) in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir to suppress the Kashmiris’ ongoing freedom movement.

Indian Home Minister Amit Shah announced on Tuesday that all VDCs will be revived and more would be set up as per requirements, their nomenclature will be changed and every member will be paid. The VDCs comprising Hindus exist mainly in Jammu region.

“The Village Defence Committees will now be called the Village Defence Groups (VDGs) and their members as Village Defence Group Guards (VDGGs),” Amit Shah said in his meeting with the BJP leader and VDC members in New Delhi.

Amit Shah, as per the Indian media, has assured the delegation that the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs will issue an order shortly regarding revival of the VDCs by renaming them as VDGs and all the members will be paid honorarium by the government.

Each VDG will have eight to 10 members and all of them will have equal rank. They will be paid equal remuneration every month by the government which will be directly credited to their accounts, Amit Shah assured the delegation. It is to mention here that the VDC members have been involved in killing of a large numbers of Muslims in Jammu region.

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