ISLAMABAD:At the United Nations, Pakistan has called on the world body to take cognizance of the compelling evidence of India’s war crimes in the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).
Addressing the UN Security Council’s meeting on Protection of civilians in armed conflict zones, Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Munir Akram said that the world body must hold accountable those Indian officials responsible for such crimes and grave breaches of international humanitarian law.
According to a press release received here on Wednesday from New York, Munir Akram said India is using tyrannical measures to convert Kashmir’s Muslim majority into minority to change the demography of the territory. He said India has martyred at least 96,000 Kashmiris since 1989 while fake encounters, destruction and burning of homes and properties, use of live ammunition against peaceful protesters, including pellet guns are order of the day in the territory.
Munir Akram told the House that Pakistan has released a comprehensive and well-researched dossier last year, troubling accounts, corroborated by audio and video evidence of 3,432 cases of war crimes perpetrated by senior officers of the Indian occupation forces since 1989.