ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan has reaffirmed his firm commitment to continue the fight against corrupt mafia in order to bring them under the ambit of law.


Addressing an event in Rawalpindi on Tuesday in connection with International Women’s Day, he said no NRO (National Reconciliation Ordinance) will be given to the corrupt elements. He said this fight is also important for protection of rights of weak segments of the society including the women. He was confident that he would emerge successful in the fight against corrupt mafia.


Alluding to the recent political situation, the Prime Minister said he is ready for any move of his opponents. He said the government has worked wholeheartedly for the empowerment of women folk. He said history will remain testimony to it. He said the effort was not aimed at securing votes but to provide fundamental rights to women.


The Prime Minister pointed out that women in Europe got inheritance rights in 1920 but our holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad Rasool Allah Khatam-un-Nabiyeen Sallallaho Alaihe Wa Ala Alayhee Wa Ashabehi Wassalam gave the same about fifteen hundred years ago.


He, however, regretted that women in Pakistan do not get their due rights. He said we have now introduced inheritance rights law for women and now it is responsibility of the entire society including that of the administration to ensure its implementation.


The Prime Minister underlined the need for women education to take forward the country. Regretting that education of girls was ignored in the past, he said the present government has taken several initiatives to ensure their education.


He said under Ehsaas program, ninety-eight percent of the disbursements go into the hands of women. About five hundred billion rupees have so far been disbursed under this program. He said we are also giving more stipends and scholarships to the girls.


Minister for Law Farogh Naseem stressed that implementation of inheritance rights law is important for empowerment of women. He emphasized for greater awareness about the structural changes brought by the government in different laws so that they could actually benefit from them. Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed and Parliamentary Secretary for Law Maleeka Bokhari also spoke on the occasion.