Sialkot, March 01, 2022 (PPI-OT):Mian Imran Akbar, President Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in a statement given to the press, has lauded the economic relief package of Prime Minister Imran Khan announced on February 28, 2022. The President said that the package would not only serve to provide respite to the masses but would also promote industrialization across the country.

Mr. Akbar termed Industrial Amnesty as a revolutionary measure and said that Sialkot Chamber had been actively voicing for such amnesty since 2018. He said that the no-questions-asked policy on industrial investment coupled with tax benefits for overseas investment would serve to be a catalyst for industrial growth as a result of investors’ confidence. The President Chamber congratulated the Prime Minister for taking cognizance of the ground realities and delivering in tune with the expectations and desires of the nation.

While sharing his views, Mian Imran Akbar also said that he had been a staunch supporter of the IT Sector and that the announcements of 100% tax exemption for both companies and freelancers and 100% exemption from Capital gains tax for investments in IT startups would serve to encourage the youth to align themselves with the vision of the Prime Minister to increase IT exports from the country.

“Indeed, the future of Pakistan’s economic sustainability lies in IT-based exports and Prime Minister’s incentives for the sector are a testament to the commitment of the Government towards the prosperous industry of Pakistan. The industrial growth-driven strategy of the Prime Minister would harbinger the industrial revolution to potentially bring economic uplift to create employment and wealth for a prosperous country”, he added.

The President SCCI, however, stressed that the Government should make all-out efforts to ensure the trickle-down effect of the decrease in Petrol and Energy Prices to provide relief to the public in the true sense of the word. “In this regard price control mechanism must be developed”, said Mr. Imran Akbar.

For more information, contact:
Sialkot Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI)
Shahrah-e-Aiwan-e-Sanat-o-Tijarat, Sialkot – 51310, Pakistan
Phone: +92-52-4261881-3
Fax: +92-52-4268835, +92-52-4267919