LAHORE:  Administrator Karachi, Sindh governments Spokesman and CM Advisor on Law Barrister Murtaza Wahab on Saturday said that the Sindh government is ready to hold local body elections on the date given by the Election Commission.


“The ambiguity in the Local Government Act will be removed in the next cabinet meeting and the provincial government is ready to negotiate for the demands of the political parties. With the dissolution of the Karachi District Council, the 40 more members in the KMC Council will increase,” the Administrator expressed these views while inaugurating the Marigold Festival at Sir Syed Park in Federal-B Area.


Deputy Commissioner Central Taha Saleem, PPP Central District President Masroor Ahsan, Director General Parks Junaidullah Khan and a large number of officers and citizens were present on the occasion. Barrister Murtaza Wahab said that gardener committees were formed so that citizens can also play a role in improving parks. “The purpose of holding Marigold Festival in the areas is to provide opportunities for entertainment and nature to the citizens,” he added.


He said that Sir Syed Park in Central District is a famous park of KMC and is an airy place for the local population, adding that Bagh Jinnah Park Baradari will be opened to the public soon. He said that 150,000 plants have been planted in Kidney Hill Park, which will provide more recreational opportunities to the people at Kidney Hill Park.


The Administrator said that the foundation stone of Machli Chowk Road at a cost of Rs. 80 crore has been laid. Road construction work will be completed by June 30. Responding to Expo Center vaccination staff salary Issue, he said that the Sindh government had solved this problem in the past too and will resolve now too.


He said that the Deputy Commissioner had just informed that the process of releasing the salaries of vaccinators has started. “I was hired to serve the people. The Parks department is close to my heart,” he added. The Administrator also asked the citizens to support the government for the improvement of the park. KMC officers are working even in difficult conditions, the Administrator Karachi said and added that people are watching that Karachi is being changed.


“We are not decrying for power, we are working,” the Administrator said. The Administrator said that people who are saying that we have made Jamaat-e-Islami “Mamu” in connection with the Local Government Act should know that Karachi can no longer afford linguistic politics. Administrator Karachi said that Haleem Adil Sheikh should not provoke the people.