ISLAMABAD:Governor Punjab Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has urged the United Nations to resolve Kashmir issue in the light of the UN Security Council resolutions.

He said this during a meeting with Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the UN Maleeha Lodhi in New York. He said Pakistan will continue to extend diplomatic support to the Kashmiries in the Occupied Kashmir.

Maleeha Lodhi briefed the governor on the recent developments in the UN regarding Indian aggression across the LOC. She also shared the details of her meetings and dialogue with the UN representatives and the other diplomats on the issue.

The Governor said unprovoked shelling on the civilian population by the Indian army across the Line of Control was a cowardly act of terrorism, urging the UN and other international institutions to take notice of the act.

He said Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was creating war hysteria to win public emotions for success in the upcoming general elections in India. He said, however, Pakistan would not let Modi play havoc with the regional peace.

Muhammad Sarwar said India stood isolated before the world community as its brutalities in Kashmir had been exposed and entire world admired Pakistan’s stance on the regional peace and stability. Governor Punjab Muhammad Sarwar is currently in the United States on a week-long visit.