Islamabad, January 12, 2018 (PPI-OT):Japanese Ambassador Takashi Korai called on Adviser to Prime Minister on Finance, Miftah Ismail here Friday. At the outset of the meeting, Takashi Korai felicitated Miftah Ismail on assuming his new responsibilities and wished him the best in his tenure. The Japanese diplomat praised Pakistan’s efforts to eradicate the scourge of terrorism. Adviser Finance welcomed Japan’s technical support in the spheres of anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing. This he said would supplement Pakistan’s efforts against terrorism.

Mr. Takashi Korai shared with the Adviser information about the high level Pak-Japan policy dialogue in February where cooperation in industrial and agricultural sectors would be specially taken up for discussion. There was also discussion between Adviser Finance and Takashi Korai about empowerment of youth through skill development. Adviser Finance on this occasion called upon Takashi Korai for efforts to encourage more Japanese companies to invest in Pakistan. He assured him full support for such efforts. Senior officials of the Finance and Economic Affairs Division were present on the occasion.

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