Islamabad, January 04, 2018 (PPI-OT):The Foreign Office Spokesman, Dr Muhammad Faisal has strongly condemned the increasing human rights violations by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir. Dr Muhammad Faisal in his weekly briefing in Islamabad, today, said that recently Indian forces during violent, armed and illegal operations and fake encounters killed three Kashmiri youth including a 17-year-old boy Fardeen Ahmed Khanday and 19-year-old Manzoor Ahmed Baba in Pulwama district.

He said that several other innocent Kashmiris were injured after the Indian forces used brute force and fired bullets and pellets on protesters in Shopian, Pulwama and Bandipore districts. He deplored that the resistance leaders including Syed Ali Gilani and Mirwaiz Umar Farooq continued to remain under house arrest while over 1,000 Hurriyat leaders and activists including Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Masarrat Aalam Butt, Nayeem Ahmed Khan and students were languishing in different jails of India and the occupied territory.

The spokesman said that the occupation forces continued to terrorize people in Bandipore, Kupwara, Pulwama, Shopian, Islamabad and Kulgam districts through illegal house searches. He called upon the world human rights defenders to stand up for the oppressed people of occupied Kashmir.

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