LARKANA: The future of over 400 primary school students is hanging in the balance when the cemented bars of their school Vernda surprisingly fell down a few days ago due to which the Education and Works Department of Sindh has declared the building dangerous.
According to the details, the lives of hundreds of students of Government Boys Primary School, Kausar mill, Larkana, were in danger when they were standing in a morning assembly and suddenly cemented bars of their school Vernda fell down due to which panic was created among all of them including their teachers.
All ran from pillar to post for safety of their precious lives when they were solaced by their teachers. The school has five classrooms where over 400 little boys and girls are enrolled to get fundamental primary education. The Education and Works Department, Larkana, has advised the school administration that two out of three classrooms and the veranda of the building are very dangerous where education of kids cannot be continued.
They have further suggested that either the students be shifted to other schools to save precious lives of the children or the classes be discontinued. Parents said that emergency measures be taken to save the future of their kids to get the school repaired and renovated immediately because their children are gripped with fear as they themselves have seen bars falling down.
On the other hand, few teachers have started their classes while sitting outside the school building in this sizzling cold under open sky which is affecting their studies. The residents have demanded of the rulers to ensure quick construction of the school building on International Day of Education so that education should not suffer at any cost.