Islamabad, In a significant diplomatic engagement, Federal Minister for Privatisation, Investment and Communications, Abdul Aleem Khan, met with the Ambassador of Japan to Pakistan, His Excellency Wada Mitsuhiro. The meeting focused on deepening economic ties between Pakistan and Japan, with discussions on privatization and investment opportunities in Pakistan.

According to Privatisation Commission, the Federal Minister highlighted the ongoing privatization initiatives, noting that Pakistan plans to privatize all state-owned enterprises that are not deemed strategic or essential. He detailed the potential investment opportunities this could create for foreign investors, including those from Japan. The Minister expressed a keen interest in leveraging Japanese experiences with successful privatization to bolster Pakistan’s efforts.

Ambassador Mitsuhiro praised the current government’s policies aimed at supporting the economy and fostering investment. The Federal Minister also outlined measures being implemented to enhance the ease of doing business in Pakistan, inviting Japanese investors to explore lucrative opportunities in the country, promising substantial returns and comprehensive support.

The meeting underscored the longstanding and continuous support from the Japanese government to Pakistan, with the Federal Minister extending gratitude towards Japan for its enduring partnership.