Srinagar, January 04, 2018 (PPI-OT):In occupied Kashmir, the Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference (JKMC) has said that Kashmir dispute can be resolved through tripartite talks involving Pakistan, India and the genuine Kashmiri leadership in line with the relevant UN resolutions.

The JKMC in a meeting held in Srinagar, today, said that the unprecedented sacrifices rendered by the people of Kashmir would not be allowed to go waste. It said that detentions, house arrests and use of brute force by the Indian forces could not suppress the freedom sentiment of the Kashmiri people.

The participants of the meeting also condemned the gross human rights violations perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir. The meeting was attended by Farooq Ahmed Reshi, Ali Muhammad Mir, Shakeel Ahmed Dar, Liaqat Ahmed Khan and Bashir Ahmed Teli and reaffirmed the Kashmiris’ resolved to continue their struggle for securing right to self-determination.

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