Islamabad, February 26, 2018 (PPI-OT): A Photo Exhibition to commemorate the Chinese New Year was inaugurated by Foreign Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif and Ambassador of People’s Republic of China H.E Yao Jing today at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The photo exhibition is a glimpse of the strong Pakistan China partnership which celebrates the rich cultural linkages and bonds between Pakistan and China. Addressing the inaugural ceremony, Foreign Minister Mohammad Khawaja Asif stated Pakistan and China cooperative partnership is based on the principles of mutual trust, equality, non-interference, harmonious co-existence and win-win cooperation.

He appreciated President Xi Jinping’s transformative Belt and Road Initiative – China Pakistan Economic Corridor being its flagship project. He stated that CPEC is making excellent progress and is rapidly transforming the infrastructure and energy landscape of the country. It is through CPEC that both countries will change the spatial topography of the region. Chinese Ambassador Yao Jing in his address elaborated on the symbolism of Chinese Spring Festival and hailed the significance of strong Pakistan-China bilateral relations.

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