Srinagar, February 01, 2018 (PPI-OT): In occupied Kashmir, a delegation of All Parties Hurriyat Conference including Yasmeen Raja and Davinder Singh, today, visited the residences of martyred Rayees Ahmed and a nine-year-old Musharraf Fayyaz in Shopian and expressed solidarity with their families.

Yasmeen Raja and Devinder Singh addressing mourners on the occasion said that the Kashmiri people had been facing the Indian atrocities for the past several decades. They deplored that the international community was watching the Indian brutalities on the innocent people of occupied Kashmir as a mute spectator.

They paid glowing tributes to Rayees Ahmad and Musharraf Fayyaz and said that innocent Kashmiris were being killed on daily basis. They said that India would achieve nothing by this policy of suppression and oppression. The APHC leaders said that the precious sacrifices offered by the Kashmiri martyrs would not be allowed go waste and their mission would be accomplished at all costs.

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