Srinagar, Omar Abdullah, the vice president of the National Conference, has declared that the scrapping of Article 370 by the Modi-led government, which removed the special status of Jammu and Kashmir in 2019, is not a permanent change and can be reversed.

According to Kashmir Media Service, during a media interview in Srinagar, Abdullah described the removal of Article 370 as a “man-made decision” and suggested that like all human-made decisions, it is reversible. He referenced historical precedents where the Supreme Court upheld challenges to Article 370, expressing hope that future judicial review could restore the region’s special status. Abdullah argued that political shifts and changes in government could eventually lead to a reversal, noting that not all parties support the BJP’s stance on Jammu and Kashmir.

Abdullah also criticized the current government’s assertion that normalcy has returned to the region, pointing to ongoing violence and suppression. He disputed claims by the Modi administration that the abrogation of Article 370 had led to higher voter turnout in the region, calling these statements factually inaccurate. Additionally, he highlighted ongoing injustices, such as the harassment of political workers and detentions based on adverse police reports, as indicators of continued turmoil in Kashmir.