Karachi, January 20, 2018 (PPI-OT):A unique ceremony was held at PAF Museum, to pay tribute to Air Commodore Sattar Alvi (Retd), a renowned war veteran of 1974 Arab Israel war. He shot down an Israeli Air Force Mirage aircraft during an aerial combat in Syria. In this ceremony he presented flying coverall (suit) of deceased Israeli pilot (Capt Lutz) to PAF Museum.

Addressing the occasion, the Air Chief said that our enemies are joining hands together in hatching conspiracies against Pakistan but they will always fail. This is the ideological state made in the name of Allah and nobody dare to cast an evil eye on it. PAF together with sister services and the nation would thwart their nefarious designs and they would meet the same fate as always, Insha Allah. PAF stands ever ready for the aerial defence of motherland on the strength of supreme sacrifices and professionalism of its valiant predecessors who paved the path of glory for this elite organization.

Addressing the occasion, the Air Chief paid rich tribute to Air Commodore Sattar Alvi (Retd) and said that the heroics of legendary fighter pilot not only brought laurels to PAF but were also a source of pride for the entire nation. He termed the flying coverall of the deceased Israeli pilot as a ‘War Trophy’ and was of the opinion that it was a valuable addition to the historic archive of PAF Museum.

Lauding Group Captain Hussaini’s art, the Air Chief said that his world-renowned aviation paintings manifest his earnest efforts towards preserving PAF’s accounts of professionalism, journey towards progress and supreme sacrifices made by our heroes for defence of the country. He further added that the illustrious history of PAF depicted by Group Captain Hussaini would be a source of inspiration for the future generation and instil in them the spirit of nationhood.

Air Cdre Sattar Alvi (Retd) is a celebrated fighter pilot of PAF who singlehandedly shot down the Israeli mirage aircraft while flying a vintage Syrian Air Force Mig-21 aircraft, during 1974 Arab Israel war, and thus became the one and only pilot in the history with this rare feat. On this act of gallantry, he was awarded with Sitar-e-Jurat by Govt of Pakistan, and Wisaam Faris and Wisaam Shujaat by Govt of Syria.

Governor Sindh, Mr Mohammad Zubair was the chief guest at this historic occasion. On arrival, he was received by Air Chief Marshal Sohail Aman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force. On this memorable occasion, the chief guest also inaugurated the “Aviation Paintings Exhibition” with the theme “Pakistan Air Force – Defenders of Aerial Frontiers”. More than 300 pieces of Aviation Art painted by internationally acclaimed aviation artist of PAF, Group Captain Hussaini (Retd), would be on display for the general public.

Addressing at the occasion, Governor Sind said, “The nation must know the history and the contribution of the great heroes and we must acknowledge their courage towards this noble cause of bringing honours to the country. In 1967 and 1973 Arab- Israel wars our air force had participated with valour and I am honoured to be here to recognize our heroes like Air Commodore Alvi who bravely fought and shot down the Israel air force aircraft. My special felicitations to Group Captain Hussaini for capturing the great history of Pakistan. It’s not just service to Pakistan Air Force but also for our country and future generations, who would be able to see the history as you have captured it brilliantly”.

Senior retired and serving officers of PAF, families of shuhada, war veterans and prominent artists of Karachi also attended the ceremony. The exhibition will remain open for the general public till 23 January, 2018.

For more information, contact:
Director Media Affairs
Pakistan Air Force
E-mail: pafdpr@paf.gov.pk
Tel: +92-51-9507751, +92-51-9261300
Fax: +92-51-9260868