Islamabad, March 05, 2019 (PPI-OT): Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser has said that India is not abstaining from war mongering and aggression in the region while Pakistan is taking every step to bring peace and stability in the region. “Pakistan took actions keeping in view its right to self-protection and self-determination while violating the international laws India has crossed the Air space of Pakistan” he added. He further said that the entire world not only appreciated the Pakistan’s stance to release Indian Pilot and gave him back to India but also termed this step an assurance to maintain peace and stability in the region. He expressed these views while talking to Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Furkat A. Sidikov who called on him at Parliament House on Tuesday.

The Speaker said that Pakistan wanted peace and always made efforts to bring development and progress in the region. He said that Pakistan has shown restrain in the recent escalation at every step and took the initiative to control Indian aggression while practicing its rights of self-determination and self-defense. He said that Parliament of Pakistan passed unanimous resolution against Indian aggression in its Joint Session. In this regard he has sent letters to 178 Parliaments of the world. He further said that it is need of hour to eliminate poverty, health issues, and unemployment and strengthen the regional economy rather than pulling the whole region into the fire of war and aggression.

Referring the Pakistan’s relations with Uzbekistan, the Speaker said that Pakistan is proud of its centuries old relations with Central Asian States which are based upon traditions of common religion, culture, trade and mutual development. He said that friendly and brotherly relations between Pakistan and Uzbekistan are of prime importance and Pakistan wanted to further enhance these relations through mutual cooperation. Asad Qaiser said that Pakistan has its deep religious connection with Uzbekistan. He also expressed his feelings of gratitude as Uzbekistan is the land of Hazrat Imam Bukhari whose work on the collection of Hadith (Sayings of the Holy Prophet Peace be Upon Him) is sacred for all Muslims. He further said that strengthening relations with Muslim Ummah is the basic principal of Pakistan’s Foreign policy.

Asad Qaiser said that Pakistan wanted to work with Uzbekistan in trade, investment and other economic sectors and Parliamentary diplomacy could play important role in strengthening Pakistan-Uzbekistan relations. The Speaker also handed over the copy of the resolution passed unanimously in the Joint Session of the Parliament against Indian aggression to Ambassador.

Ambassador of Uzbekistan Mr. Furkat A. Sidikov has said that Pakistan is an important country of the region and Uzbekistan gave immense importance to its relations with Pakistan. He said that Uzbekistan value high Pakistan’s efforts for peace and progress in the region and world. He said that peace in Afghanistan is essential for regional peace. He said that there was vast opportunity of trade between Pakistan and Uzbekistan, however due to the blocked routes of Afghanistan, the masses of the region were deprived of progress and prosperity. Ambassador also extended invitation to Speaker to visit Uzbekistan.

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