Lahore, September 29, 2021 (PPI-OT):President DG Khan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a famous industrialist Kh. Jalal-ud-Din Roomi called on Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar to discuss humanitarian activities. It was agreed to start a soft loan scheme for youth in Multan.

Jalal-ud-Roomi Foundation will provide loans to the needy youth while more almonries will also be established at public places in Multan and DG Khan. Jalal-ud-Roomi apprised the CM about solar-powered water filtration plants’ projects and thanked him for initiating plots’ allotment in small industries corporation.

The CM assured to provide incentives and opportunities for business activities and stated that Muzaffargarh industrial estate will be given the status of the special economic zone to provide job opportunities to the youth. He expressed satisfaction over the restoration of 11 filtration plants in Multan and appreciated the social work done by Jalal-ud-Din Roomi Foundation.

Jalal-ud-Din Roomi said that the foundation will also manage 11 dysfunctional filtration plants in Multan. Meanwhile, free medicines were being provided in Multan and DG Khan Hospitals. CM Usman Buzdar is serving the masses in a real manner and steps taken by the government for the promotion of trade and industry are praiseworthy, he added.

For more information, contact:
Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
Government of the Punjab
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