Lahore, January 11, 2018 (PPI-OT):Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif went to the residence of Zainab in Kasur today and met with her father and other family members. He expressed his heartfelt condolences with the bereaved family. Talking on the occasion, the Chief Minister said the more this tragic incident is condemned the less it would be, adding that he shall not sit idle till the provision of justice. We not only ensure justice but it will also be felt clearly.

This atrocious incident is a matter of concern for all of us and I am duty-bound to ensure that justice should be dissipated immediately. The Chief Minister said that the cruel some criminal who has committed this horrific act shall not escape exemplary punishment. Every human eye is tearful on this abhorrent incident. Punjab government fully sides with your family and every possible support will be provided to you. It is my promise that I shall ensure justice to you at every cost, he added. The Chief Minister offered Fateha for the departed soul and also consoled the father of Late Zenab.

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