Lahore, July 18, 2020 (PPI-OT): Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar met with citizens and assembly members at Circuit House DG Khan on Friday and listened to the public problems. Usman Buzdar reiterated that he will go to every city to help solve the public problems. Engaging with the common man helps to understand the ground realities and I am in constant contact with the people, he added. The government has continued the journey of public service with commitment and hard work while the designs of the conspirators will be again foiled in future.

They cannot hinder the journey of development, he continued. I belong to the people and, even, my life is available for service to humanity, he asserted. The CM regretted that exhibitory projects were inaugurated in the past but this government has put an end to this wrong practice. The funds for south Punjab will not be utilized for any other purpose and this money will be spent on public welfare, he added. He regretted that development of southern Punjab was badly ignored in the past but the PTI government has given rights to south Punjab for the first time. South Punjab will be made a role model of development, he said.

The CM announced that provision of clean drinking water to DG Khan Division is a priority adding that special funds have been allocated to further improve health and educational facilities. He announced that no leniency will be shown over theft of water. Meanwhile, resources will be provided for repair and maintenance of roads in DG Khan Division but no corrupt official will be tolerated, he stated. He asserted that no compromise will be made over the quality of public welfare projects. Merit has been ensured and police and administration have been given free hand, he added.

For more information, contact:
Directorate General Public Relations
Government of the Punjab
Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-9201390-86