Sialkot: Foreign Minister Khawaja Mohammad Asif on Sunday said the country has been put on the road to progress and development due to effective policies of the PML-N government.

Talking to party workers and businessmen at his residence, he said the incumbent government has successfully overcome energy crisis by initiating different power generation projects across the country, eventually people are having a sigh of relief.

He said that additional efforts were being made to transform Pakistan into a developed country. He said the PML-N would continue to move forward on the voyage of development without paying heed towards opponents’ criticism as people’s prosperity and solution of their problems ware top on agenda.

The Minister was of the view that mega projects would prove their ‘magic’ in the upcoming elections and bring PML-N back into power again, adding, “We believe in public service, development and prosperity as this is worship”.

The general election would be held on scheduled time in the country, he added. Khawaja Asif said the government was spending billions of rupees on different mega projects in Sialkot, adding earlier the export city was totally ignored by the past governments.

The minister said the development work on mega project of Sialkot-Lahore Motorway was in full swing and after its completion, a new era of development and prosperity in the region would usher in.