Senator: (Faisal Javed lauds Radio Pakistan for positive reporting)

ISLAMABAD:Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage, Senator Faisal Javed has said that Radio Pakistan has played very positive role in projecting the country’s national interests.

According to a report, in an interview with Radio Pakistan, he appreciated Radio Pakistan for positive and constructive reporting.

He said the difference between the media of Pakistan and India is very clear as Pakistani media played a very matured and highly professional role during ongoing tensions between Pakistan and India.

Senator Faisal Javed said Indian media did rubbish reporting and misguided people of his own country by propagating Modi’s policies.

He said Indian media is also habitual of fabricating and twisting the facts and spreading anti-Pakistan sentiments among its masses.

He said majority of Indian population is living under the line of poverty and it is high time for the Indian media to think about humanity to build a better world.

Senator Faisal Javed said it is responsibility of the media to play sensible and professional role to promote peace and Radio Pakistan has always contributed in global peace.