
Board Meeting other than Financial Result of ADOS Pakistan Limited

Karachi, ADOS Pakistan Limited informed Pakistan Stock Exchange that board of directors meeting of the company will be held on August 16, 2022 at Islamabad to consider the extraordinary general meeting of the company.

Further, the company has declared the closed period from August 12, 2022 to August 16, 2022.

Ados Pakistan Limited was incorporated in Pakistan on March 05, 1986 as a Private Limited Company and was later converted into a Public Limited Company on April 04, 1989.

The Company has been involved in the supply of oil and gas field related equipment, fabrication and refurbishment of equipment and spare parts used in oil and gas industry, and also engaged in fabrication of vehicles in respect of bullet proofing protection.

The total number of shares Ados Pakistan Limited issued so far are 6,582,600. Earning Per Shares is (4.29) and was (10.42) in 2019. The Net Profit Margin percentage in 2020 is (38.20%) which was (180.10%) in 2019.