LAHORE:Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar chaired a ceremony organized by WHO, at his office, to acknowledge the services rendered by Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid during corona.

According to a statement on Friday, the chief minister and WHO’s country head in Pakistan presented a shield to Dr Yasmin Rashid for performing duties as a frontline worker during the corona pandemic. WHO representative said the health minister has worked hard to save thousands of lives under the leadership of CM Usman Buzdar.

The CM stated the international acknowledgement of the work done by Dr Yasmin Rashid is a matter of pride for the Punjab government. The government has provided ample resources to the health department to efficiently deal with this virus, he added and stated that 2451 new cases have been reported during the last 24 hours while 43 others have also lost their lives in the province. A total of 6140 have died of corona while the number of active cases has soared to 20274, he added.

As much as 3719232 tests have been conducted and the citizens should remain very careful in the third corona wave, the CM said. The people should follow anti-corona guidelines as the vaccination of elderly citizens is underway, he further said. The health minister thanked the WHO and the chief minister adding that the government is working hard to deal with the third wave.