QUETTA:Haji Muhammad Ibrahim Khan Noorzai, President, Balochistan Darts Association (BDA), has called on authorities to announce special development package for Pushtoonabad, a dense populated and underdeveloped area of Quetta city.

In a statement issued here on Saturday, he said that in his election campaign during the previous general election, Qasim Suri, Deputy Speaker, National Assembly had promised to bring special development package for the development of Pushtoonabad area of Quetta city, but after winning election, Suri went back on his promise made with the people of Pushtoonabad by ignoring Pushtoonabad from development projects.

Noorzai said that the people of Pushtoonabad voted for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf to see tabdili (change), but so far the people of that backward area of Balochistan had not seen any change. He said that it was not known as to where the funds allocated by the federal government to Deputy Speaker National Assembly was being utilized. He called on Prime Minister, Imran Khan and Chief Minister Balochistan, Mir Abdul Quddus Bizenjo to announce special development package for Pushtoonabad so that the suffering of the people of that backward area of Quetta city could be alleviated.