Lahore, March 09, 2018 (PPI-OT): Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif has said that due to the untiring efforts of the incumbent government, the energy crisis has been overcome in the country. When we came to power in 2013, the people were suffering from long hours of load shedding spanning over 20 hours a day. Regrettably, the past rulers did nothing for the energy projects and just paid lip service. Due to their criminal negligence, the load shedding span was monstrously increased then.

Taking stock of the situation, our government has completed different energy projects with accelerated speed and maintained transparency and high-quality as well. Now the menace of load shedding has become a thing of the past, he added. A new example has been set by completing energy projects in the record period of time and billions of rupees have also been saved in these projects.

The Chief Minister said that Pakistan Muslim League-N government has removed the darkness from the country by completing different energy generation schemes in the record period of time and the credit of overcoming load shedding goes to the PML-N government. He said that the process of industrial development will be speed up due to overcoming of energy crisis and it will also broaden the prospects of employment.

The Chief Minister regretted that elements used to of speaking lies day and night have compounded the problems of the people by hindering the energy projects and pointed out that they were so unsuccessful that they did not produce even the single megawatt electricity in their province. The claimant of producing 74 megawatt electricity should also practically prove this claim before the people, he said. Despite various impediments created by these political elements, the electricity generation projects have been completed in a record period of time.

These elements tried to delay every project of public interest including the energy schemes, the Chief Minister added. The Chief Minister said that Sahiwal project has set a new world record with regard to speedy completion and pointed out that the project of this production capacity is not completed so early even in China. This project has broken not only Chinese but world record as well because no 1320-megawatt project has been completed in such a short period of time in the world history.

He said that PML-N leadership has saved the nation from darkness and written a new history of hard work, trust and honesty. The Chief Minister said that Pakistan was looted mercilessly in the past and the looters of national resources are today talking about elimination of corruption from the society. On the other side, there are people who got their loans worth billions of rupees written-off, obstructed the process of national development through sit-ins and brought the country to the brink of collapse.

Those who stood in the way of national development and mercilessly plundered the national kitty should peep into their own conscience. He said that the hard work and strenuous efforts put forth by the PML-N government for completing the energy projects are unprecedented in the national history. Due to it, the menace of load shedding is over today and ample electricity is available for every sector of life. Pakistan Muslim League-N government prioritized the elimination of energy crisis from the day one and worked hard. This is the reason that electricity plants of thousands of megawatts capacity are working successfully and energy needs are being fulfilled, conclude the Chief Minister.

For more information, contact:
Directorate General Public Relations, Punjab (DGPR)
Government of the Punjab
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