QUETTA:Spokesperson for provincial government, Farah Azeem Shah, has said that promotion of education has remained the foremost priorities of the incumbent provincial government from the outset.
In a statement issued here on Tuesday, she said that soon after assuming the responsibility, the incumbent provincial government imposed educational emergency, taking thereby steps for strengthening educational sector of the province which resulted in uplifting the standard of government run schools, restoring thereby the confidence of people on government run educational institutions.
She said in order to hire the services of teachers on contract basis as a stop-gap arrangements, the provincial cabinet accorded approval to that effect, adding that the provincial government was adopting concrete measures to implement the said policy. She added that the enforcement of the said policy would remove the difference between rich and poor.
She added that government was committed to initiating “Digital Skills Program” with the estimated cost of billions of rupees to impart international standard training upon the youth, particularly new graduates, in Information and Communication Technology sector which would enable youth of the province to earn their livelihood honourably while sitting at home.