LAHORE:Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar inaugurated the e-abiana billing system at a ceremony at 90-SQA on Wednesday and handed over e-abiana bills to the farmers. This system is initially introduced in Khanwah, Layyah, Kasur and Sheikhupura canal divisions to substitute the 100-year-old archaic abiana system. It is designed in collaboration with Punjab Information Technology Board to be gradually enforced in the whole of the province.

Federal Minister Ghulam Sarwar Khan, Provincial Ministers Mohsin Leghari, Syed Hussain Jahanian Gardezi, SACM Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan, SMBR, secretaries of irrigation and information departments and others attended the ceremony.

Talking on the occasion, the chief minister said computerized bills will be issued to farmers adding that the latest system will save the water users from the discrepancies of the previous practice of issuing abiana on a ‘parchi.’ Rather, they will be issued a detailed bill containing details of the farmer and agri land. This bill will be payable through nearest banks, Easypaisa, ATMs, JazzCash or e-Pay Punjab, he continued. The new facility will help the farmers along with timely recovery of abiana dues. It will also assist in maintaining the colossal irrigation system by improving recoveries, concluded the CM.