Larkana: The level of poverty or the “Zalalat” of criminals have increased to a level in Larkana that a young differently abled person was looted of his only asset, wheelchair, in the limits of Hyderi police station last night by two armed gangsters, here on Saturday.. Disabled man Abdul Rahman Manganhar along with his father Qurban Ali, resident of Ayoob Colony, held a protest demonstration at Jinnah Bagh.

They revealed while talking to newsmen that Abdul Rahman had gone to Khichi Imam Bargah on the night of 5th Muharram Ul Haram to hear Majlis and when he was returning home two unknown looters waylaid him, tortured him, robbed him of his wheelchair, in the limits of Hyderi police station and then disappeared in the darkness.

They said that a report was lodged at the police station but the only asset of his son has not yet been recovered by the cops. He said his son is deaf and his leg is also fractured and the wheelchair was the only asset for my differently abled young son who even cannot hear. They urged higher police officers to recover the wheelchair and punish the criminals who did not even spare a poor poverty-stricken disabled person.