Islamabad, February 12, 2020 (PPI-OT):APHC-AJK leader and Jammu and Kashmir People’s Movement Vice Chairman, Abdul Majeed Malik, has said that people of occupied Kashmir are facing severe problems due to the ongoing military siege in the valley and Muslim majority areas of Jammu region for the past more than six months.


Abdul Majeed Malik in a statement issued in Islamabad said that the occupation forces were breaking into houses and harassing women and children. Indian forces, he added, are also harassing journalists to hide the ugly face of India from the world.


The APHC AJK leader said India has unleashed a war on the Line of Control to divert the world’s attention from the prevailing grim situation in occupied Kashmir. He condemned the unprovoked firing by Indian troops on homes, schools, mosques and hospitals in Azad Kashmir.


He called upon the United Nations to implement its resolutions on the Kashmir dispute to enable the Kashmiri people to decide their future by themselves through the exercise of their right to self-determination.


Meanwhile, Ummat-e-Islami leader, Syed Manzoor Ahmad Shah, in a statement in Islamabad said that during his visit to Pakistan, the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, should meet Kashmiri refugees in Azad Kashmir and the victims of Indian shelling on the Line of Control.


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