Islamabad, May 24, 2020 (PPI-OT): The Chairman Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Freedom League, Muhammad Farooq Rehmani, in his Eid message has congratulated Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir and the Muslim Ummah around the world on Eid ul Fitr, urging them to cement strong bonds of friendship by forging their cooperation in every field to face the new challenges of Islamophobia and frustrate the enemy’s nefarious designs against their independence, sovereignty and solidarity.

Full text of his message is as follows:

“The Muslims throughout the world should recall that the Eid-ul-Fitr is God’s reward for Muslims as torchbearers of Quran to lead the world towards the fulfillment of the highest ideals of humanity on the Earth. Muslims have been sent the last Book of Allah to lead the humanity to mercy and kindness in the daily life. But, unfortunately they are divided and disunited while the enemies of Allah and His final Book in – the Qur’an have united to destroy the edifice of the Islamic solidarity. In Jammu and Kashmir, Indian occupation forces are bent upon changing the demography of the territory. India has enacted a new domicile law to settle Indian Hindus to transform it into a Hindutva State.

Thousands of Kashmiris have been imprisoned under draconian laws, sent to far flung jails of India, or forcibly disappeared from their homes after the 5 August, 2019 of the merger proclamation of Kashmir with India. Kashmiri youth protesting against the aggressive manipulation of the Indian regime are being eliminated every day, dead bodies are buried by the army and police far away from their towns. The swathes of encounters including the houses and shops are blasted and everything in cash or kind is looted by the police and army. This is what was done recently in Kaneh Mazar Srinagar and repeated at several other places in South and North Kashmir.

The story of Palestine is no different where new settlements of zionist population are being spread with full aggressive and brutal speed of vultures. Palestinian children are killed before the eyes of their mothers and mothers are dragged and humiliated before their children. Palestine, which was a Muslim majority State with hardly 2 percent Jews during the 1st World War, is now occupied and held largely by the Zionist population and Jerusalem is their capital for the first time in history. Israeli annexation and occupation policy in Palestine followed by India in J and K, is also implemented in India against its own 30 crore Muslim citizens to uproot the Muslim population from India. This policy of the RSS BJP rule is nowadays in full swing.

Recently amended citizenship laws – NCR – aim at declaring Muslims as outsiders. A brutal campaign by the RSS to eliminate the Muslims in India met with stiff opposition from the minorities in shape of popular democratic campaign in Delhi and other parts of the country but soon the Novel Coronavirus came to the rescue of the Modi regime and the RSS when rumour- machine was set in motion to declare the preachers of Tableeghi Jamaat harbingers of the COVID-19 in India. Muslims were thrashed, humiliated and lynched and their properties were looted and burned across the country and accused of spreading the deadly virus.

The fabricated stories weren’t accepted by other communities and opposition and the rumours met their own death. However, the Modi sponsored regime in J and K got another pretext and ploy to continue the lockdown and curfew in the name of COVID-19. The plight of Rohingya Myanmar Muslims is no different as over 1 million Rohingya Muslims after evacuating from their homes and massacred in lakhs in the majority province Rakhine, are now in Bangladesh. In the Middle East region war-torn Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan, Muslims’ blood has become so cheap to make the Ummah sad.

So, this Eid makes it obligatory that the OIC should forge unity between the Muslim countries and warring groups to fight for the illegally annexed Muslim lands and give a united answer to Islamophobia challenges by its enemies. The OIC should make its human rights group and contact groups on Kashmir, Palestine and India functional, monitor Indian and Israeli attitudes and belligerence in these regions and don’t allow India in the name of trade and employment in the Arab states to carry on ethnic cleansing of Muslims in India and work against Islam in India.

It looks categorical command in our times that the Muslim world and the OIC should unitedly and collectively safeguard the Muslim interests and raise voice for the Islam and Muslims before the UN Security Council and the General Assembly. This policy will give credibility and popularity to the Muslim States in the eyes of the Muslims and the UN will have no excuse but to recognize the worth and voice of this vast region of the Islamic world.

No power on the Earth can give to the Muslim States what they themselves by their unity and uniform stand and Islamic solidarity will be able to achieve. Luckily, Pakistan has its well-known and defined Islamic solidarity policy for the cause of Islam and Muslim solidarity. We hope this Eid will usher in solidarity of the Muslims and freedom of the subjugated Muslim lands in the South Asia, ME, Rohingya and elsewhere in the world.”

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