Sindh Chief Secretary Syed Asif Hyder Shah presided over a meeting on Wednesday to assess and strategize comprehensive measures to address the ongoing severe heatwave.

The meeting was attended by the secretaries of energy and rehabilitation, Karachi commissioner and director general of the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA). During the meeting, the PDMA DG briefed the participants on the alert issued to all relevant organizations regarding the anticipated heatwave.

The session involved discussions on various preventive measures and plans implemented by the commissioners to mitigate heat stroke risks. All divisional commissioners briefed the meeting regarding the steps taken by them, including the establishment of heatwave centres in their respective areas, ensuring the availability of necessary resources, and coordinating with local authorities to provide immediate assistance during the heatwave.

The Commissioners briefed that to address the urgent needs of residents amid heatwave, 124 heatwave camps and first aid centres had been set up in Karachi alone, 200 in Hyderabad division, 228 in Sukkur Division, 60 in Larkana, 85 in Mirpurkhas, and 48 in Shaheed Benazirabad. These camps are equipped with essential medical supplies, hydration stations, and cooling areas to support those affected by the extreme temperatures, ensuring comprehensive coverage and access to necessary care across the province.

Syed Asif Hider Shah emphasized the importance of creating a robust and responsive infrastructure to mitigate the effects of the heat wave. He issued directives for the establishment of heatwave prevention centers in all hospitals across the province to provide immediate assistance and relief. He also stressed that commissioners and deputy commissioners must establish heatwave camps in their respective jurisdictions, which would provide essential services such as hydration stations, shaded areas, and medical support to those affected by the extreme temperatures. Recognizing the risk posed by crowded markets, he stressed the need to cover these areas with temporary shades.

The CS also directed Rescue 1122 services to remain on high alert to respond promptly to any emergencies. The energy secretary has been tasked with ensuring an uninterrupted electricity supply from K-Electric, Hesco, and Sepco during the heatwave period. All deputy commissioners are instructed to establish heatstroke centres at public places to facilitate immediate medical assistance, he added.

He said: “Moreover, a comprehensive media campaign will be launched to raise awareness about the heatwave, including prevention tips and treatment options. This campaign will utilize television, radio, social media, and print media to ensure widespread dissemination of critical information.”

In addition to these directives, the Chief Secretary urged the public to stay informed about the heatwave, take necessary precautions, and utilize the services provided by the heatwave camps and centres. He assured that the government was fully committed to safeguarding the health of its citizens during this period of extreme weather.