KARACHI:The Pakistan Tennis Federation is organizing two Juniors National Ranking Tennis Tournaments at the PTF Complex in Islamabad from June 8 to 18.

The first PTF Development Series Junior National Ranking Tennis tournament will run from June 8 to 12. Meanwhile, the second PTF Development Series Junior National Ranking Tennis tournament will be played from June 13 to 18.

The PTF expects that a large number of junior players will participate in these events from all over Pakistan in various categories. “As there is no qualifying event in any categories, main draw will start from the June 8,” PTF said in a statement.

The federation statement added that the ITF Covid-19 SOPs will also be observed and no spectators will be allowed to witness the tournaments as per government policy. “The PTF management has made very elaborate arrangements for observing the Covid-19 SOPs, with all the essentials items available at the PTF-SDA Complex, Islamabad,” it added.