Rizwan Niazi, the Additional General Secretary of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Sindh, addressed the media at Insaf House, stating that Imran Khan, a great leader of the Islamic world, is being illegally detained.

In a statement issued today, hee emphasized that all cases against Imran Khan were false, and the sentences in those cases had been nullified. Niazi claimed that the current undemocratic government had taken control of the country, and it was incapable of providing relief to the public.

Niazi highlighted that the United Nations Working Group had also declared Imran Khan’s arrest illegal. He pointed out that the international community recognized the illegality of Imran Khan’s detention. Niazi asserted that failing to release Imran Khan had demonstrated a blatant violation of the constitution and law in the country.

He called for immediate restoration of constitutional and legal supremacy and the release of Imran Khan and other PTI leaders. The PTI leader further noted that the illegitimate government, a product of undemocratic practices, had caused a surge in inflation, with the prices of electricity, gas, petrol, and other essentials skyrocketing.

According to Rizwan Niazi, the poor can no longer afford even two meals a day, as the country’s situation is deteriorating rapidly. Niazi concluded by stating that the current lawlessness in the country could not continue for much longer.