ISLAMABAD: Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has urged the international community to stay engaged with Afghanistan to avert humanitarian and economic crises in the war-torn country.

He was talking to his counterparts from Ireland, Portugal and Egypt in New York. The Foreign Minister stressed that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is of vital importance for Pakistan and the region. He also highlighted Pakistan’s efforts in facilitating evacuation of diplomatic personnel and staff of international organizations from Afghanistan.

The Foreign Minister shared with his Portuguese counterpart the comprehensive Dossier containing evidence of India’s human rights violations, war crimes and illegal attempts to bring about a demographic change in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir in defiance of UN Security Council resolutions.

He also presented to his Norwegian counterpart a comprehensive Dossier documenting India’s gross and systematic violations of human rights in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir. He underscored the need for increased collaboration with Norway in the political, economic, clean energy and other areas of mutual interest.