New Delhi, September 06, 2019 (PPI-OT): The Indian National Congress has said that the BJP government is pursuing blind law in occupied Kashmir which caused a lot of harm to India and its Constitution. Congress leader, Ghulam Nabi Azad, in a statement in New Delhi feared that if the ruling dispensation wished, there could be a Kashmir-like situation in any part of India.

He said, one month has passed since people were detained in Kashmir. He said that this was probably the first time in the world, not just in India, that a law was framed where people of the territory were detained for over a month and cut off from the rest of the world. “We have never seen such ‘andha qanoon’ (blind law) anywhere in the world which the BJP has implemented in Kashmir,” he added.

He said, there is no telephone or Internet facility, people are not allowed to meet each other and leaders who are outside Kashmir are not allowed to visit their home.

His party colleague, Shashi Tharoor, said, “Is this Indian democracy at its finest or a violation of the basic spirit of our Constitution? If it can be done to Kashmir today, it can be done to any part of India tomorrow. All you have to do is declare president’s rule, do what you like to the state and your appointed governor will give you all the consent you need.”

Congress spokesperson, Manish Tewari, said the situation in Jammu and Kashmir is “strange and scary” for the last one month. He said that all the political people in Kashmir who were considered the pro-India politicians are either arrested or detained. There are many people who are not involved in politics and belong to different professions – lawyers, businessmen and intellectuals – they are also under arrest, he added.

“The question arises if the BJP-NDA Government believes that the step it has taken in Jammu and Kashmir is the right one, is in national interest and is in the interest of JandK? Why have those people been arrested? Why school and colleges are not running in Jammu and Kashmir? Why telecommunication and internet is suspended?” Tewari posed, adding these are basic questions that the entire country should ask.

“An atmosphere has been created… anybody who comments on the real situation is declared anti-national. This is not strengthening India’s democracy, but weakening it. All progressive and secular forces should be concerned,” he said.

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