Lahore, July 11, 2020 (PPI-OT): Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar has said that population explosion and ever-increasing problems are a threat to human survival. In his message, the CM stated that an unplanned increase in population results in creating different problems and this day highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between population and resources.

He added that the whole world and Pakistan is facing an unusual situation due to coronavirus. Meanwhile, protection of mother and child is a priority of the government and steps have been taken to provide the best healthcare facilities to womenfolk, he added. Access to voluntary family planning has been ensured while remaining safe from coronavirus.

He maintained that public cooperation is important for overcoming the problems relating to population explosion. The quality of life can be improved by overcoming the population explosion, he said. The government is utilizing resources to expand the scope of services relating to family planning and it is imperative to hold the tsunami of population explosion for protecting the natural resources. It has become a global challenge to enhance resources according to population increase and the people should play their role for increasing awareness about family planning, the CM concluded.

For more information, contact:
Office of the Chief Minister of Punjab
8-Club Road, GOR-I, Lahore, Pakistan
Tel: +92-42-99205562-3
Fax: +92-42-99205561