Jammu, February 07, 2023 (PPI-OT):In Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), a detained civilian was killed in police custody in Kathua district. The deceased identified as Sonu Kumar, 42, was tortured to death in police custody at Police Post (PP) Nagri of the district. The family members said it was a custodial death as the deceased was physically fit when they met him some time prior to his death in the police post.

Rahul Kumar, the nephew of the deceased, said his uncle’s death is a mystery and it was purely a custodial death as there was no sign of any physically illness when the family members met him in the Police Post Nagri during the day on Monday. The deceased was only earning person to cater the family, said Rahul. The family of deceased has demanded inquiry into his custodial death.

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