Islamabad, August 16, 2021 (PPI-OT):A meeting was held between CEO’s of top Pharmaceuticals Industries and Federal Minister for Science and Technology Senator Syed Shibli Faraz. CEO’s of Pharmaceuticals industries having renowned name in Biologicals were taken on board. Federal Minister Shibli Faraz said that vaccine manufacturing is a project of national importance especially in the current context. Ministry of Science and Technology aims at extending the full support of Government for technological advancement and quality manufacturing in Pharmaceutical industry.

Shibli Faraz expounded the fact that in the back drop of COVID-19 situation it has become more important to focus on indigenous solutions. Hence, we need to work on war footing to achieve the goal of self reliance and import substitution in Pharmaceutical industry.

Moreover, The Minister said that we need to strengthen Research and Development (R and D) for long term sustainability. For this, he intends to create R and D fund for emerging portfolios to strengthen research in Pharmaceutical industry pertinently on Biotechnology and Nanotechnology. Thus, Ministry of Science and Technology intends to become facilitator and enabler to Pharmaceutical industry in achieving goal of development and advancement in the field of Science and Technology. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhary (Coordinator General COMSTECH) was also part of the meeting.

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