New Delhi, August 16, 2021 (PPI-OT):The Supreme Court today said that an affidavit filed by the Indian government on the issue relating to alleged snooping by the government has not satisfied allegations whether or not Pegasus spyware was used and asked whether it will file an additional affidavit.

A bench headed by Chief Justice of India N V Ramana posted for tomorrow the hearing on a batch of pleas seeking a court-monitored probe into reports of the government allegedly using Israeli spyware Pegasus to spy on politicians, activists, court staff, and journalists.

“We will continue tomorrow. If you have a change of mind, let us know tomorrow. If Tushar Mehta may decide to file an affidavit, then we have nothing to say, else we will hear all of you,” said Chief Justice Ramana, while adding that it cannot compel the centre to file an affidavit if it is “reluctant”.

Solicitor General, Tushar Mehta, appearing for the Indian government, said that the issue involved aspects of national security and was not simple enough to be addressed through affidavits. Mr Mehta asked if the petitioners will withdraw petitions seeking an independent probe into the issue if the government files an affidavit denying using Pegasus.

“We are dealing with a sensitive matter but an attempt is being made to make this sensational. This matter will have national security implications. This matter cannot be handled like furnish an affidavit etc. Minister concerned with this department has given details as to how the Pegasus issue has been raging fire over the past few years. The placing of facts will involve national security issues,” Mr Mehta told the bench. During the hearing, the petitioners’ lawyers repeatedly told the bench that the Indian government has evaded answering the question if it or any of its agencies have ever used the spyware and urged the court to direct the government to come clean.

Earlier in the day, the Indian government filed an affidavit and apprised the top court that it has decided to constitute a Committee of Experts which will examine the issue. The government also denied all the allegations of snooping and maintained that the petitions are based on conjectures and there is no substance in the accusations.

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